Caring Neighbors' News and Events


Polo Ridge Caring Neighbors is sponsoring Amy Wixted, Director of Population Health, The Villages Health. Her topic is "A Matter of Balance." Come and join PRCN to find your balance on December 11, 2 pm at Laurel Manor Recreation Center. All are welcome.


"WOW, what a wonderful evening--beautifully planned and executed" was heard over and over after last Monday's spectacular event. A big THANKS to Debbie Caskey and her team. Below are the names of those honored as Volunteer of the Year for their CN Group.

Flora Poggio (Amelia); Lynn Wells (Ashland); Cheryl Moradich (Bradford); Andrea Soukup (Buttonwood); Kathryn Kintzing (Chula Vista); Nancy Ritchie (DeLuna/Marsh Bend); Lynn Higgins (Fenney Area); Shari Lackey (Hadley); Barbara West (Hemingway); Lisa Pichette (Osceola Hills); Kathy O'Leary (Polo Ridge); Scott Reckner (Richmond); Lydia Englisis (Santiago); Sandy Davis (Santo Domingo); Pat Mahistedt (Summerhill) and Diane Power (Tall Trees).

And, don't forget to check out the photo gallery for pictures from the event. The link is found on the "About Us" page.


For the Oct 9 PRCN Monthly Meeting, we are hosting David Casto from the Sumter County Emergency Management Team. He will be talking on the topic: Hurricane Preparedness. At the Dec 11 PRCN Monthly Meeting, we are hosting Amy Wixted from The Villages Health. Her topic is: Matter of Balance, Fall Prevention and Exercises To Practice As We Age. Meetings are held at Laurel Manor Recreation Center at 2 pm.


The Santo Domingo group is holding a Snacks N Facts which will be on Monday, October 14 at 2 pm at El Santiago Recreaton Center. We invite our Santo Domingo residents to join their neighbors for snacks and get the facts about Caring Neighbors. Steven Kennedy will be the guest speaker on the topic of Smart911.

Poem by Carol Ann Wolf, as printed in the Daily Sun 4/13/24)

Caring Neighbors will appear when shadows stretch and worries thrive
The crisis came unexpectedly, knocking on the door of a person's life
These caring neighbors know the crisis is real and see the tears that hide within
So they step in and try to turn the tears into calming whispered hymns
They don't put a time limit on how long they are willing to be around
Because true empathy and compassion have endless limits and bounds
Then God's love becomes apparent, like a beautiful symphony that unfolds
A melody of caring acts, which becomes a secret story that is rarely told
So for all those who have had an experience like this, with neighbors who cared
Look up and thank the Lord, for He is the one who sent those caring neighbors there!